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The Making of Suzette Makes a Crêpe

Lets’s go behind the scenes and see​ ​how Flo and Laura brought ​Suzette Makes a Crêpe to life!
First, Flo drafted a black and white storyboard then drew color sketches where the images and words gradually influenced each other and shaped the narrative.
Our studio looked like a construction site for several months​ as ​​they built and painted each prop made out of papier maché.
F​rom the sets to the miniature food details​ everything was done by hand​​.
Fishing lines were suspended to re-create flipping crêpes, dolls were wired to give them movements and expressions.  
They felt like giants living inside Suzette’s world...
Once each scene was completed,​ ​Flo would photograph it before building the next one.
It took us six months to complete the 24 pages​, ​but we all had fun making it!​ ​Especially the dolls ;)
We hope you enjoy it! That's a Wrap!

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